2020 Virtual峰会在审查中 - 我们一起进来了!

发布者:亚历山大三文鱼 博客 影响


今年9月28日- 10月1日,我们举行了第十届中欧领导人峰会。与会者虚拟参与领先的制造设施,专业发展课程,关于重要主题的圆桌会议讨论以及鼓舞人心的exceNotes。

“我发现此次会议的奖励和教育甚至是虚拟格式。特别感觉到这次会议觉得任何同事都能参加并获得有价值的信息的会议。扬声器是知识渊博和充满激情,它给出了更长的持久印象并鼓励我之后寻求更多信息。我强烈推荐给制造空间中的任何人的峰会。“- 2020峰会与会者

Bringing together 677 manufacturing professionals from 189 companies in 12 countries and 38 U.S. states, participants were able to grow stronger together by obtaining new skills and connections through discussions on "Creating Your Own Rules for Success" and "The Power of Understanding Your Personal Brand," keynotes covering topics such as "The Power of Communications in Times of Crisis" and "Enabling Digital Transformation and Creating Impacts," and through virtual plant tours at John Deere, Trumpf, GROB and more!

保存日期!加入美国10月4日 - 6日,2021年11月
